Family Index

Opening Clock

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Closing Clock


Catherine Elliott Hedge Wild Flowers of Plymouth
and Vicinity 1804 - 1904

(Boston: Geo. H. Ellis Co., 1904)

Salicàceæ — Willow Family
Sàlix nìgra
Black Willow
    "    lùcida
Shinning Willow. In Morton Park
    "    álba
White Willow
    "    díscolor
Glaucous Willow
    "    hùmilis
Prairie Willow
    "    trístis
Dwarf Gray-willow
    "    cordàta
Heart-leaved Willow
    "    myrtilloìdes
In Morton Park
Pópulus álba
White Poplar. Silver Poplar
    "    tremuloìdes
American Aspen
    "    grandidentàta
Large-toothed Aspen
    "    balsamífera (var. cándicans)
Balm of Gilead (Escaped)
    "    dilatàta
Lombardy Poplar (Escaped). Introduced
at Newton in 1797
Empetràceæ — Crowberry Family
Corèma Conrádii
Broom Crowberry
Coníferæ — Pine Family
Pìnnus Stróbus
White Pine
    "    rígida
Pitch Pine
    "    resinòsa
Red Pine
Scotch Pine (Escaped)
Tsùga Canadénsis
Chammæcyparis sphæroìdea
White Cedar
Thùya occidentàlis
Arbor Vitæ (Escaped)
Juníperus commùnis
Common Juniper
    "    Virginiàna
Red Cedar or Savin