Grand Bahama in 1924
Grand Bahama and its adjacent cays lies on the South Western portion
of the Littel Abaco Bank.
Grand Bahama is 66 miles long and averages 7 miles wide, and area of 430
square miles.
It is said not to have been permanently settled until about 1806.
It has extensive pine forests and abundance of other timber.
The soil is good, much being "white land" and it has much good
grazing land. In times past it supplied the Nassau market with beef.
Its principal industries are agriculture, and fishing, chiefly sponge.
Excellent onions are grown there, and a considerable quantity of citrus
fruit is grown which is free from the scale insect.
Its shores are inhospitable; the south side affording no harbours and
is exposed to the prevailing winds, the North side is washed by very shallow
The principal settlements are Eight-mile Rock, Carrion Crow Harbour, Golden
Grove, Freetown, Water Cay andWest End, the latter being at the present
time extensively engaged in transporting and supplying bootleggers liquor
to the United States.
Its revenue now considerably is chiefly derived from the liquor traffic.
The population in 1921 being 1695; 731 males and 964 females.
[Etienne Dupuch] The Tribune Handbook: The Standard Guide to Nassau
and the Bahama Islands. Nassau: The Tribune, 1924, p. 28
