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Ten, Ten The Bible Ten : Obeah in the Bahamas Dr. Timothy McCartney BIBLIOGRAPHY AJISAEE, A.K., "The Laws and Customs of the Yoruba People."
Kash & Klare 188 KOCH, Kurt E. (Dr.), "Christian Counselling and Occultism". Ev. Verlag 7501, Berghausen, West Germany, 1972. IAVEY, Anton Szandar, "The Satanic Rituals" Avon Books, New York, 1972. LEAF, Earl, "Isles of Rhythm". A.S. Barnes & Co., Inc., New York, 1948. LINDSEY, Hal, "Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth". Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, (U.S.A.), 1972. LONG, Edward, "History of Jamaica", Vol. I, Bk. 2, Ch. 2. MADDEN, R.R., "A Twelve Months Residence in the West Indies". Vol. I, 1835, London. MANONKIAN, M., "Akan and Ga—Ardangme Peoples of the Gold Coast", London, 1950. MBITI, John S., "African Religions and Philosophy". Heinemann, London, 1969. McCARTNEY, Timothy, "Neuroses in the Sun", Executive Printers, TimPaul Publishing Co., Nassau, 1971. McCULLOCH, M., "Peoples of the Sierra Leone Protectorate". London, 1952. McKINNEN, Daniel, "A Tour through the British West Indies." London, 1804. MUMFORD, Louis, "The Condition of Man". Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., London, 1944. MURDOCK, G.P., "Africa: Its Peoples and their Culture History". New York & London, 1959. PASCOE, C.F., "Two Hundred Years of the S.P.G. 1701- 1900". London, 1901. PATTERSON, Orlando, "The Sociology of Slavery", Granada Publishing Co., London, 1967. POWLES, L.B., "Land of the Pink Pearl: Life in the Bahamas". Sampson Low- Marston & Co., Ltd., London, 1888. SCOTT, Reginald, "The Discoverie of Witchcraft", Book VII, London, 1665. SEABROOK, W.B., "The Magic Island", G.H. Harrop Co., Ltd., London, 1929. SEPHARIAL, "The Art of Card Fortune Telling". W. Foulsham & Co., Ltd., London, 1958. SHATTUCK, G.B., "The Bahama Islands", Geog. Soc. of Baltimore., Macmillan, N.Y., 1905. SNELGRAVE, William, "A new and exact account of some parts of Guinea", (1734). STARK, J.H., "History and Guide to the Bahamas". New York, 1891. SYMONETTE, Michael A., "Discovery of a Nation", Management Communications Services Ltd., Nassau, Bahamas, 1973. TISCHNER, Rudolf, "Ergebnisse Okkulter Forschung," Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart, 1950. TORREY, E. Fuller, "The Mind Game—Witchdoctors and Psychiatrists." Bantam Book Publications, New York, 1973. UNGER, Merrill, "Demons in the World Today". Tyndale House Publishers, (U.S.A.), 1971. WHY LLY. H.C.. "Superstitions of the Bahamas." San Salvador Teachers College, July, 1972. Ministry of Education and Culture, Nassau, Bahamas. WILLIAMS, J., "Voodoos and Obeahs." Dial Press, New York, 1932. WRIGHT, Stafford J., "Mind, Man and The Spirits". Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A., 1971. 189 OFFICIAL COMMITNICATIONS 1. Many important documents dealing with varied aspects of Bahamian history can be found in the Registry, the House of Assembly Library and the Nassau Public Library. The most comprehensive documentation however, can be found in the Bahamas Archives Department. 2. Other informative material can be obtained from the Institute of Jamaica, the Public Records Office in London, The Carnegie Institute in Washington, and Manuscripts in the British Museum. 3. BOARD OF TRADE RECORDS TO 1837 (B.T.6:) 4. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS (BPP) NEWSPAPERS Nassau Guardian MAGAZINES AND JOURNALS Bahamian Review—Vol. 15 No. 1-2, 1973. 190 KIFARIT - Vol. 3 No. 1, Freeport, Grand Bahama, 1974. "Tony Makay is Exuma the Obeah Man". LIFE MAGAZINE—9th January, 1970. SKYWRITINGS—Creative Communications Inc., Kingston, Jamaica. "Everything you wanted to know about Obeah and were afraid to ask" – by Errol W. Bowen. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Vol. XXXVIII - 1891. THE MESSAGE—Vol. 40 No. 6, September, 1974. HARPERS' Magazine, U.S.A., 1926. "White Magic & Black..." by John W. Vandercook. SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR - 2(9) 8-14, 1972. "Witchcraft and Sex" by Robert D. Anderson. BAHAMAS HANDBOOK - Etienne Dupuch Jr. Publications. 1970 Edition. "Bahamian Way of Death". 191 192 |