Cooper sold the store to Angelo Barbieri in 1947. Angelo and his sons
Leonard and Alex
the store for many years, and purchased the Wellingsley schoolhouse
property from the town in 1960 to provide much needed parking. The old
schoolhouse, which had served as a Grange Hall and other uses since
it ceased to operate as a school, was bought by Ebby Bradford and moved
across Sandwich Street behind Bradford's Market, where it was used as
a workshop and then for storage. In 1973,
Lenny Barbieri became the sole owner of the store. It has since been
leased out to various convenience store chains such as Open Pantry (1973
- 1980), Christie's Market (1980 - 1998) and then 7-11.

Leonard Barbieri waiting on
a customer - 1947

Jabez Corner ca. 1970 (A. I. Baker)
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