Commissioner's Report 1937
Commissioner’s Office Copy Annual Report 1937
I have the honour to be, Commissioner. Commissioner’s Office REPORT ON THE DISTRICT OF GRAND BAHAMA, FOR THE YEAR
The following is a detailed statement of Revenue and Expenditure during the year:
Goods to the value of £1183. 2. 3 and paying £320. 4. 5 in Customs Duties were imported from West Palm Beach, Florida. These imports consisted chiefly of building supplies for Walker’s Cay and West End. 3. Exports to West Palm Beach and Miami Florida totalled £3418. 2. 10 and were as follows:
The Local Trade was limited to the exportation of Sponge, Turtle shells, and Firewood to, and the importation of Dry Goods and Provisions from Nassau. 3. SHIPPING – FOREIGN 4. SHIPPING – COASTWISE 5. MAIL SERVICE A regular fortnightly service has been maintained by the M.V. “Alice Mabel” and her occasional substitute the M.V. “Paddy Halferty”. Owing to the treacherous nature of these shores, the performance of an efficient mail service is a rather difficult problem, and much credit is due to Captain J. M. Carey whose years of service in these waters has thoroughly familiarised him with their dangers. 4. 6. POSTAL There are two Post Offices in the District, one at West End and the other at Eight Mile Rock. Postal statistics are as follows:
7. RADIO TELEGRAPH The Radio Station at West End, under the efficient management of Operator L. G. Bethel has given useful and continuous service throughout the year. It has been well patronised by both natives and visitors, transmitting 1062 messages, and receiving 487. 8. CRIMINAL STATISTICS 38 Persons, all of whom were dealt with summarily, were proceeded against in the local court. Of these 16 were for breach of the Compulsory Education Act. Of the total number, 1 was imprisoned, 16 fined, 14 Bound Over, and 2 discharged on the merits of the case. 9. EDUCATION There are two Board Schools and five Grant-in-Aid Schools with a total roll of 322 scholars. With the exception of certain localities where the distance to the school house is excessively great, the attendance has been fairly regular. Sixteen persons were 5. proceeded against in the court for breach of the Compulsory Education Act, but as in most cases excuses given were satisfactory, these were dismissed with cautions. 10. LIBRARY The Public Library and Reading Room at Eight Mile Rock continues to play an important part in the life of the community, especially among the younger set. While no new books were added this year, the general appearance and condition have been improved by the addition of several new book cases. There are now 306 volumes on hand, and a fair variety of both local and foreign newspapers and periodicals. The number of subscribers is 23, and subscriptions for the year amounted to £1. 11. SOCIETIES There are 3 Friendly Societies in the District, with a total membership of 238. These render valuable assistance in aiding their sick and burying their dead members. 12. PUBLIC HEALTH There were no serious epidemics throughout the year. With the exception of a mild outbreak of fever in June, the Public Health has been generally very good. 13. VITAL STATISTICS This shows an increase of 33 in the number of Births, and a decrease of 13 in the number of Deaths, on the previous year. 6. 14. PAUPERS There are 42 Paupers in the District, who are aided by the Bahamas General Hospital with the usual supplies of food. 15. METEOROLGY The total rainfall for the year was 35.35 inches for 39 days, with the greatest fall 8.74 inches in August, and the lowest .42 in December. This shows an increase of 3.04 inches over the previous year. 16. PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures on behalf of Public Works amounted to £716. 18. 1. In addition to the usual Recurrent Item for the upkeep of Public Roads and Properties, this included the following Non Recurrent Items:
7. In view of the amounts already spent on the Eight Mile Rock – West End road, and the undoubted benefit that it would be to persons on this end of the island, it is to be hoped that the government will see fit to complete this road in the near future. 17. INDUSTRIES SPONGING: There are more persons employed in the sponge fishing business than in any other. For generations the chief occupation of the natives, today it still ranks as the main sources of income to the inhabitants in general, though now closely followed by the Crawfish industry, which however is more or less limited to certain definite localities. On the whole good prices were obtained at the Nassau Market, sales for the year totalling £3239. 0. 0. This shows an increase of £163. 10. 0 over sales for the previous year. 8. SHIP BUILDING: One new sloop was launched, and six others are in course of construction. 18. AGRICULTURE While by far the larger portion of this island is Pine Barrens and swamps, yet there are large tracts of excellent farming land, especially in the Western section. As compared with the Eastern section however, comparatively little is done, as these people spoiled by the easy money of the bootlegging period, seem loath to return to the soil. In the loose sandy soil bordering on to the Southern shore line Onions, Potatoes, and Corn thrive well, while the rich black soil further back is excellent for Cassavas, Beans and Vegetables. Arrowroot is cultivate fairly extensively in the Eight Mile Rock section, while in the extremely rich soil of Water Cay, it seems that anything can be grown to perfection. 9. There are possibilities of extensive Agricultural developments in this District, and the services of an Agricultural instructor to get around among the people, if only for a short period, would be a great advantage; especially so as, now that Headquarters have been removed to West End, the additional duties as Collector of Revenue at such a busy Port, prevents the Commissioner from getting around among the people as often as he should. 19. GENERAL REMARKS In December of this year Headquarters were removed from Eight Mile Rock to West End. While this arrangement is unpopular with the inhabitants from Eight Mile Rock Eastward, and has its drawbacks from an Administrative viewpoint, yet there is no doubt but that future developments would be centered in and around West End. 10. adjacent waters, and the fact that it has proven to be one of the haunts of the coveted Blue Marlin, are being widely advertised by interested parties, and its convenient position in regard to the Port of West Palm Beach, Florida, is making it a popular resort for cruising parties out of that Port. [illegible] Commissioner.